2007, Vol.10, No.4, pp.376-384
Analytical solutions of the equations describing impurity
diffusion due to migration of nonequilibrium impurity
interstitials were obtained for the impurity redistribution during
ion implantation at elevated temperatures and for diffusion from a
doped epitaxial layer. The reflecting boundary condition at the
surface of a semiconductor and the conditions of constant
concentrations at the surface and in the bulk of it were used in
the first and second cases, respectively. On the basis of these
solutions hydrogen diffusion in silicon during high-fluence
low-energy deuterium implantation and beryllium diffusion from a
doped epi-layer during rapid thermal annealing of InP/InGaAs
heterostructures were investigated. The calculated impurity
concentration profiles agree well with experimental data. The
fitting to the experimental profiles allowed us to derive the
values of the parameters that describe interstitial impurity
Key words:
diffusion modelling, interstitial impurity, hydrogen,
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