2007, Vol.10, No.4, pp.347-357
The Two-Higgs-Doublet Model is considered, in its CP-non-conserving version.
It is shown quantitatively how vacuum stability and tree-level unitarity in
the Higgs-Higgs-scattering sector constrain the parameter space of the model.
In particular, at high values of tan
the model violates unitarity,
unless some of the Higgs bosons are heavy. In the regime of large CP violation
in the neutral-Higgs-t-quark sector, which requires tan
, the
Yukawa coupling parameter space (determined by the neutral-Higgs-sector
rotation matrix) is reasonably unconstrained. On the other hand, the
corresponding neutral-Higgs-b-quark sector allows for large CP violation at
tan .
However, here the model is more constrained: Significant CP
violation is correlated with a considerable splitting among the two heavier
Higgs bosons.
Key words:
vacuum stability, two-Higgs-doublet model, CP violation, unitarity
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